... life has been full. Being a wife and mom are currently taking up most of my time. And that is probably how it should be. It's a juggling act that rivals any clowns' and it works, most of the time.
I put together this mosaic of photos taken a couple of weekends ago (Victoria Day). To me it reminds me of a good day with our family. It didn't start out so good. The three oldest kids didn't want to go. "It'll be boring. Who wants to hike anyway? I don't feel like it." But we forged ahead with our plans, and you know what? They (and we) had a really good day hiking to Bridal Falls, doing some geocaching and visiting the Cheam Lake Wetlands (if you are in Chilliwack, this is really a hidden beauty. There are never more than a few cars in the parking lot but it is such a peaceful sanctuary for birds, frogs, ducks and geese and we even saw a mouse this time.)
And this little guy. What can I say? He's turned our lives inside and out. In a (mostly) good way. He's 4 months already and rolling over, trying to move. He doesn't sleep nearly enough but he makes up for it in the way he responds to everyone. Big, dimply smiles! Love him.
I'll be back some day soon with a few pics of some things I've been working on. Enjoy your day!