:: tomatoes growing in the garden
:: taking care of children like this (if only they were always this cute)
:: peppers growing in the garden, they are so good
:: 5 metres of flannel at $2.25/metre
:: did I mention tomatoes? We are picking that many every other day!
:: quilting my playpen quilt. Can you see why they call that colour in the corner 'tomato'? Just need to stitch the binding down.
:: tomatoes look really nice in a bowl on the table. Who says they can't be part of the decor?
:: apple pie. I made three of these on Saturday. They take a long time to make, I had forgotten about that. The appreciation of my husband made it worth my time.
:: on the dinner table. All from our own garden. Our garden this year is somewhat successful. Next year, the Lord willing, it will be even better.
Tomorrow the two authors of this blog are planning to meet in person. Not here, not there, but in Manitoba! Our little brother (he's not so little, really) is getting married there. So, we'll be back next week. I am so looking forward to seeing you Suzanne!
See you soon!!!