For the past few weeks, Alisa and I have been pretty occupied...
Us and our girls all ready for (Auntie) Karen's wedding! |
Alisa's girls looking beautiful as the guestbook attendants |
Our Dad giving away his youngest daughter! |
The happy couple!! |
Deanna and Auntie Karen |
and I gave a little speech to Karen that only her and a few others in
the room caught the humor of. We'll share it with you - I'm sure you'll
get it!
Our Dear Sister Karen
The memory of the day you entered our lives more than 21
years ago is stitched securely in
our minds. You were a tiny 6 lb. honey bun, the last piece in our patchwork family. You truly were your Sister’s Choice; another
girl to balance out all those brothers.
We were thrilled to say the least.
As you grew you became even more fun. All of your milestones were celebrated 9-patch. We helped a lot when you were growing up –
feeding you, changing your diapers, picking out your clothes, taking you to meander around the park and just having
fun with you. Being mothers now we know
how much help that must have been for Mom.
Mostly you were full of charm
but sometimes you were downright stippling.
At a very young age your passion for scissors was apparent but you never did go for hairdressing. Now you save your cutting for fat quarters, paper and decks of cards.
I love to sew and already back in high school I could often
be found behind my sewing machine. You were the number one recipient of my
creations. I used pretty much everything
to make clothes for you. I dressed you
in scraps of a table cloth, repurposed clothing and free fabric.
It was not all 100% cotton
and not necessarily pretty. You survived
my love and by the time you were about 8 you were free from my obsession.
Alisa and I both still love to sew and quilt. We were stashed
when you joined us on our patchwork
journey. Imagine our excitement when you
churned out your first quilt! We are so proud of your binding, mitered corners
and half square triangles. Such good sister bonding time with our sewing machines and French vanillas.
And, now you’re married.
The cathedral windows were
smiling. The layer cakes and jelly rolls
were delicious and we are more than happy for you! You are blessed with William, a husband who
understands texture and creativity, colour and pattern, and
who has a long arm.
Cousins! |
Special moments | | | | |
And then it was time to go home. Always hard to leave. We had a wonderful family reunion with all 45 of us, a beautiful wedding and then a week of visiting and relaxing with family and friends. I'm thankful we only live a (long) days drive away. I'll leave you a couple pictures from out drive home. The Rocky Mountains are so awesome and majestic. I always feel so humbled in this beautiful display of God's splendor!
Rogers Pass |