It's the Canadian Thanksgiving Weekend already and I'm thinking I should give a quick update on the last few months and then I can move on to regular blogging. One can hope. :-)
Firstly, I had a really good summer! I went in to it thinking it was not going to be that great with a teenager, a baby and everything in between. But it went very, very well. I think there are a couple of reasons for that. Firstly, my kids help. They have chores and know that we don't do fun things if the work isn't done. Secondly we had a fairly busy summer with many exciting things. Thirdly my teenager worked for a few weeks with his dad. That was a very good thing for him and for me. :-)

We went on a road trip this summer. From our home in the Fraser Valley to the William Switzer Park in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains (Alberta) to Edmonton to Calgary and then to Shuswap Lake, BC on the way home. We were gone for 18 days which is a new record for us. It had it's moments of "what were thinking??" but mostly was a great time and we are so happy we went. Joshua was a trooper. He was happy to nurse or drink a bottle which was very handy. On the road he took a bottle and midnight (and 2 AM and 4 AM) feedings I nursed him. We camped for a week with Suzanne and family and it was so much fun for all of us. Yeah for cousins!
Carolin showing off her Garden Party Dress in Canmore, AB.
Our family at Lake Louise in Banff.
I even found some time to work on my EPP project. On my third year now! One day I'll iron it and take a picture to show my progress.
Other than my EPP I didn't do too much in the way of sewing over the summer. Melissa made a zipper pouch for a friends' birthday. She did very well!
Deanna finished up a rag quilt for the Pro-Life Society but we forgot to take a photo of it.
I made a small table runner with the waste triangles from
this quilt and some scraps. So fun to make something from nothing! Or "more with less".
Just before the kids headed back to school I made the girls each a drawstring bag for their PE clothes. It works quite well actually. I wash their PE clothes on the weekend and immediately stick it into the drawstring bag and then into their back pack. No forgotten PE clothes. Except Ben who shuddered at the thought of a home made bag.
You don't mind if I post another pic of Joshua do you? We're having so much fun with him! He's crawling, babbling, snotty, smiling, laughing, and hair pulling. Some days it is just the two of us hanging out together and six weeks into the school year we are still trying to get the hang of it.
Zachary started school. I've really enjoyed having him around. The last year he's become much easier and fun to have around. He loves to work and feels highly valued when he helps me (and he really is helpful!) Thankfully he only goes every other day so we can still spend some time together.
One last project to share. Again a table runner I made for a special friend. I used a tutorial for a 4-patch disappearing block called
Criss Cross. I'm happy to report that she loves it! :-)
And that's it for now! Hopefully I'll be back to regular blogging. Soon with post of projects I'd like to complete by the end of the year. Enjoy your day!