During the month of October I aim to get my WIP pile down. Not finished, just smaller. I have had this Trip Around the World quilt top in there for six years. Six years. Why haven't I finished it before now?

I mean really, it looks pretty good doesn't it?

I do know why. I was going to make it bigger. Way bigger. I had the strips of squares sewn up (somewhat) and they were all stuffed in a bag with the top. But I just wasn't inspired to finish it. My piecing skills have come along way and it would have been painful to work on this. So I added a border, quilted it (with fabric that's been in my stash for years for the backing - that feels so good!) and bound it with premade bias tape binding (that has also been kicking around for a few years.) So it's now longer a WIP, but a finished quilt.

It now has a new home at my parents house. That's where I took these photos. It's for the grandkids to use when the are over. I put it over the back of the couch downstairs and it looks really nice there.

Just for the record. My WIP pile has 15 things in it. This includes several items that haven't been started but I've committed to doing. I'll let you know at the end of the month how many I've finished.
On another note. Last month I won a $25 gift certificate from
Above All Fabric for entering a photo in Melanie's flickr photo pool. I had so much fun picking out my fabric! Thank you Melanie. Here's a photo of the fabrics I finally decided on.