Thanks for all the guessing, ladies. I had fun reading all of your guesses. Thanks to you, I now have even more things on my to-do list. :-)

I used to make sleep sacks out of pre-quilted fabric. They were easy and warm. Kind of like wearing a quilt. I can't find that type of fabric anymore so I decided to make my own. It sort of takes the 'easy' out of the project, but it was so much fun!

This is a very overdue baby gift for a friend. I know she will appreciate it because with her last baby she borrowed my sleepsacks and loved them.

I decided to try out some new (to me) quilting and I really like it. I need to work on it a bit more to perfect it, but I sure had fun with it.

It's fun using up bits of fabric. I had this lilac fabric in my stash for about a year. It was originally for another project that didn't happen. The inside is a thrifted white cotton sheet. Perfect for sleeping in don't you think?

The sleep sack is a little bit stiff, but after a few washings will soften right up.
Thanks for reading our little blog!
Just a little side note: I ran into my high school sewing teacher today. She retired the year I graduated so that makes her 80 years old! She still looks the same to me. (She always looked old to me...) She was thrilled that I still sew. I asked if she still sews and she told me that not a day goes by that she doesn't touch her sewing machine. Wow! I want to be like that. I told her that I quilt now too and she said she doesn't have the patience for quilting! Really??! She taught kids how to sew for many, many years. She must have great patience. It was neat to see her again, as the beginnings of my love of sewing started in her class room.