I've been wanting to make a few things for the girls' bedroom wall. I've toyed with a few ideas and then one day it hit me and I got going on it right away. I was inspired by different projects I had seen on line and the colour inspiration from the girls' quilts (and wall colour too.)

This was so much fun to make. Totally different than my ususal sewing projects.

I actually made up the design myself. I printed out some some flowers from my CorelDraw program and traced them up into this design. That was fun!

Above - the different flowers and leaves I printed off. Below - the finished 'drawing'.

Stitching around that flowers was also fun. I don't think I could do this on a larger scale project but it didn't take too long. It was actually relaxing.

It's not perfect by any means but I love it! And it was fun, very fun!

One last photo on the bedroom wall.
So, go have fun with your scraps and some fusible web and see what you come up with!