October was reading month for our school kids and at the end of the month they had Book Character Day. Anneke wanted to be Laura Ingalls (along with at least 5 other girls at school) and Lukas chose Asterix :)
Excuse the bad indoor pictures but the weather was too cold for good clear ones outside.
For Anneke's costume I used fabric I got handed down to me for the bonnet and apron and the dress is made out of an old sheet. The pattern is McCalls 9424 that my Oma once gave me when she was cleaning out her sewing room. So this one cost me nothing but a few evenings of time!
For Lukas we found a pair of red pants and black t-shirt the thrift store for a couple dollars. Then I made a belt from fabric I had. The hat is made from an old sun hat with the brim cut off and then duck taped (gotta love that stuff). The feathers are made from two layers of felt with wooden skewers in to hold them up. The sword is cardboard, more duck tape, a paint stir stick and paint.
So a few dollars later and I had two very happy kids. Lots of fun!